1-12. Transport Interfacility

A paramedic will accept an order to transfer a patient by 911 ambulance from one medical facility to another (whether directly or as a segment of an air ambulance transfer) if ALL of the following conditions are met:

1) The order comes from a Hawaii Base Station Physician, on duty in the ambulance service region;

2) The paramedic is adequately informed of the patient’s diagnosis, condition, medications, allergies, and expected course during ambulance transport;

3) Also important to know is the patient’s Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment / POLST / Comfort Care Only / CCO / Do Not Resuscitate / DNR status; and,

4) There is an accepting physician at the destination facility, and the destination facility agrees to receive the patient. A request from a non-hospital medical facility should be treated as a 911 ambulance call rather than as an interfacility transfer. The paramedic may use Standing Orders during transfer, if indicated, and shall communicate with the receiving hospital if he / she does this.


1-11. Needle Thoracostomy


1-13. Trauma / Bleeding Control