
NALOXONE (Narcan®)

CLASS: narcotic antagonist


  • Displaces opioids at opioid-occupied receptor sites in the CNS

  • Competitively binds to opiate receptors, and prevents the binding of any other agonist, fully reverses opiate induced respiratory depression


  • overdose of narcotics or any indication of substance abuse that involves respiratory depression

  • altered mental status, etiology unknown

  • Code 500 with possibility of narcotic abuse or if patient is on prescribed narcotics

STANDARD PREP: 2 mg / 2 cc preloaded syringe

DOSAGE/ROUTE: See Hawaii S.O. - Coma = 05 mg increments up to 2 mg. If suspected Fentanyl or Carfentanyl OD, up to 8 mg.


  • Communicate with BSP for orders

  • 0.1 mg / kg to a max of 2 mg


  • may precipitate withdrawal symptoms with HTN, tachycardia, violent behavior; n & v, arrhythmias, seizures


  • Short duration - potential for rapid relapse of respiratory depression,

  • May need to use very large doses with Darvon® overdose

  • Some drugs it reverses:

    • heroin, MS, dilaudid, codeine, methadone, demerol, lomotil, Talwin, percodan

    • darvon, stadol, nubain, paregoric, darvocet