
ADENOSINE (Adenocard®)


  • Antiarrhythmic (antidysrhythmic)

  • Endogenous Nucleoside


  • Endogenous Nucleoside found in all cells of the body and is formed from the breakdown of ATP that depresses AV node and Sinus Node activity

  • Decrease conduction through the AV node and interrupts AV nodal reentry pathways that cause SVT.


  • SVT’s thought to be due to reentrant mechanisms

  • ACLS - Effective in terminating those due to reentry involving AV node or SA node.

  • ACLS - Wide complex regular tachycardia, thought to be or previously defined to be, reentry SVT.


  • Drug or fever induced tachycardia

  • 2nd or 3rd degree heart block

  • Sinus node disease SSS (Sick Sinus Syndrome unless has a functioning pacemaker.)

  • A-fib / A-flutter / V-tach


  • 6 mg/2 cc vial


  • See ACLS and PALS Tachycardia Algorithm

  • 6 mg rapid bolus over 1-3 seconds followed by a 20 cc flush at most proximal site of IV catheter

  • If no response within 1-2 min. 12 mg bolus repeat x1

Onset: Immediate — Duration: 10 seconds

  • PALS: 0.1mg/kg IV (maximum 1st dose: 6mg) follow immediately with >5ml NS flush

  • May give 0.2mg/kg IV for second dose with Subsequent maximum single dose 12mg


  • Chest pain

  • Hypotension

  • Arrhythmias: PAC's, 2nd or 3rd degree heart block, asystole, ventricular ectopy

  • Nausea

  • Dyspnea

  • Headache, lightheadedness and flushing


  • Patients taking theophyllines, caffeine, or theobromine need higher doses

  • Dipirydamole (persantine), carbamazepine (tegretol) prolong effects of adenosine - might want to reduce dose (3mg)

  • Use with caution in denervated, transplanted hearts and may require only a small dose

  • Reactive airway disease – increase bronchoconstriction

  • If administered for wide-complex tachycardia/VT, may cause deterioration (including hypotension)