Newborn Resuscitation

Newborn Resuscitation

1) Warm, position, suction, dry, stimulate and evaluate respirations, heart rate and color.

2) If heart rate is less than 100 / min, or poor respirations and / or the neonate is noted to be cyanotic and limp:

Ventilate 20 breaths in 30 seconds by mask, using positive pressure, 100% O2, and careful technique

3) If heart rate is still < 60, begin cardiac compressions at rate of 120 per minute, and give:

Epinephrine (use the dilute 0.1 mg / ml form, old labeling 1:10,000) dose = 0.3 ml /kg. IV / IO

or: Endotracheal Epinephrine dose 0.5 - 1.0 ml/kg ET (followed by 2 ml Normal Saline ET flush, and restart BVM);

repeat dose every 3-5 minutes

4) If heart rate remains < 60, continue CPR and assisting ventilation with BVM (preferred) or intubate with 3.5 ET tube for full term (for premature: 3.0 ET for 2-3 kg and 2.5 ET for < 2 kg), and ventilate at a rate of 40-60 breaths/minute

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